Eurondërtim 2000 offers the whole spectrum of works in the field of construction of roads, squares, underpasses and bridges. For municipalities, communes or private clients we create suitable solutions for any road construction project and we safely implement the repair and renovation of traffic areas. To guarantee high quality, budget security and adherence to delivery dates in the construction of roads and underground works such as sewerage networks, supply or discharge networks we offer cheap and fast solutions thanks to modern equipment and the readiness of our engineers. Many public and private clients have had this experience with us as partners - and that is why they are always happy to approach us with their concerns and projects.



Reconstruction of the Main Boulevard Dyrrah

Re-qualification of the urban block Brothers Manastirli

Revitalization of Pavarësia Street, Durrës (Bicycle Lane)

Reconstruction of Taulantia Promenade, Durrës

Rr. Kavajes, Pallati 114, Shk. 1, Ap. 2, Tirana, 1001, Albania. |   +355 4 452 1511   |  +355 69 54 03 097  |